Inspiration for the Blog

I recently got a new (to me) desk for my craft room. While emptying the old desk, I found a note from my mom that had been attached to a little wrapped box. She gave it to me when I moved 4 hours away from her - many years ago as a new bride. I’ve lost the box, but the note is dear to me.

She was my crafty mentor. She taught me to knit, crochet, sew, cook, tole paint, and make cards. We enjoyed attending papercrafting conferences together, making handmade gifts, and shopping at craft markets. We would routinely tell each other - “We can make that!”

Mom had a gift basket business at one time. She named it ‘Les Cadeaux’. That’s french for ‘the gifts’. I wanted to honor mom’s memory and her gift to me of creating, so I named my blog ‘Les Cadeaux Cards’. I lost my mom in 2018. Thank you, Mom, for all you taught me! I miss you!


MFT Sketch Challenge


Wow! It’s here! My blog!